Monday 8 June 2015

Logical Reasoning Test Answers

Logical Reasoning Answers

Mathematical Operations

  1.     e
  2.     c
  3.     a
  4.     c
  5.     e
  6.     d
  7.     a
  8.     b 


Blood Relation Test     


1   ANSWER : Sister of father-in-law

Explanation : . The statement in other words implies her nephew is my son-in-law. Therefore, it is clear that the lady is sister of man's wife or in other words is the sister of father-in-law. 
ANSWER : Sister

Explanation : . Mother' s husband's sister means that sister of father. Hence, lady is the sister of that man.
3   ANSWER : Grandfather

Explanation : . From the information given in the question, it is concluded that Sohanji is the father of Rohit, and brother of Reeta, who is the mother of Indu. Therefore, Sohanji is the grandfather of Indu.

4   ANSWER : Q is T's son

Explanation : . On the basis of the information given in the question, it is confirmed that S is the mother and T is the father of P, Q and R. Out of them P is male and the sex of Q and R is not determined. Hence, it cannot be definitely said that Q is T's son because the sex of Q is not known as a result Q may be daughter of T.

5   ANSWER : Bua (Father's sister)

Explanation : . From the information given in the question, it is clear that Rajiv's father is the brother of Shyama. Therefore, Shyama is related as aunt (Father's sister) to Rajiv.

6   ANSWER : Niece

Explanation : . Son of woman's mother's mother means the brother of mother. And brother of mother is maternal-uncle. Hence, woman is related as niece to that man.
7   ANSWER : Father

Explanation : . The daughter of A's grandmother is the sister of A's father and the only brother of A's father is A's father himself. Hence, A met his father.
8   ANSWER : Data inadequate

Explanation : . From the information given in the question, it is clear that S is the mother of R (who's sex is not known). N is the daughter of R and sister of M (whose sex is not known). Therefore, on the basis of information, we conclude that M may be male or female, hence may be son or daughter of R or son or daughter of S. Hence, data is inadequate.
9   ANSWER : Data inadequate

Explanation : . From the information given in the question, the sex of M is not determined, hence, none of the options is a definite answer.
10  ANSWER : Sister

Explanation : . Only son-in-law of mother of Poonam's mother is the father of Poonam and his son is the brother of Poonam. Therefore, Poonam attended the birthday party of her brother.


1     ANSWER : Data inadequate

Explanation : . The sex of U and T can�t be determined. Therefore, we can�t find how many male members are there.

2     ANSWER : Manager

Explanation : . P is the Manager

3     ANSWER : PS and RQ

Explanation : . Two married couples are (P S) and (R Q)
4     ANSWER : Grandfather

Explanation : . P is the grandfather of T
1    ANSWER : R

Explanation : . R gets the highest salary.
2    ANSWER : RS

Explanation : . RS is one of the married pairs.
3     ANSWER : PS

Explanation : . P S is the pair of females.
4     ANSWER : S

Explanation : . S is the Dramatist in the group
5    ANSWER : R

Explanation : . R is the husband of S (Dramatist).
1    ANSWER : Data inadequate

Explanation : . 2nd position may be occupied either by U or S.
2    ANSWER : None of these

Explanation : . R may be either grandfather or father of S.
3    ANSWER : Data inadequate

Explanation : . Sex of U can�t be determined, hence data is inadequate.
4     ANSWER : None of these  

5    ANSWER : Data inadequate

Explanation : . T may be either grandfather or father of U.
1    ANSWER : J appears on 1st panel, and H appears on the 3rd

Explanation : . Since M must appear on the second panel (condition iv). J will have to appear along with H on 3rd panel. Therefore, both J and H can't appear on different panels.
2    ANSWER : H

Explanation : . If J and K appear on 3rd panel, then 3rd professor with them would be L. hence professors (J, K, L) would appear on 3rd panel. Now, if as given condition (iv) one of the professors on panel on the 2nd day is M, then one of the professors with M would definitely be H (refer condition (v)).
3    ANSWER : G, J, I

Explanation : . Combination of G, J, I violates condition (i) which requires the combination of I with N.
4   ANSWER : N, I, J

Explanation : . Option (1) : G, L, O - violates condition (ii)
5   ANSWER : I

Explanation : . If one of the panelists is K, other would be L as given condition (ii). I can't appear with K and L because I always appears with N (refer condition (i)) and there can't be more than three panelists.

Direction Sense

  1.  d
  2. e
  3. a
  4. a
  5. a
  6. b
  7. b
  8. b
  9. b
  10. c
  11. a
  12. a
  13. c
  14. e
  15. c